(had a problem with my laptop where it did not execute code [problem with breadboard, nano IOT 33 was not installed]. tried to use microstudio’s computers- code was working properly but did not how to access serial monitor.)

CORRECTION: arduino program did not install properly. Had to reinstall it for it to be able to execute code correctly.


Lab: Digital Input + Output


I followed the diagram for the initial setup.

(Q: Was not completely sure why the resistor was required for the button? Not sure of its function.)


Circuit initially wasn’t working.

And my input+output code was initially incorrect. (Accidentally coded for all input.)

void **setup**() {

pinMode(2, **INPUT**);

pinMode(3, INPUT);

pinMode(4, INPUT);


[This was all Input rather than output]

My wires were also in the incorrect place for input/output. I switched them around so it was correct.